How do I get to the church?

We are located in the center of Oxford off of Route 67, on Academy Road.

We are directly across the street from The Oxford House. For directions, click here.

What time do services begin and end? 

Our Sunday morning service begins at 10:00 AM and lasts about an hour.

After the service, we move to Fellowship Hall for coffee, tea, and treats.

Schedule of services


January 12 Worship - 10am

January 19 Christian Education - 10am

January 26 Worship - 10am


What are the services like during worship?

Here’s what to expect during a typical service with all the service elements explained:

  • Announcements – The congregation is invited to announce any upcoming events.

  • Prelude - A piece played by our organist while we listen in prayerful silence.

  • Welcome - Pastor Karen welcomes the congregation to worship.

  • Invocation – A simple prayer for centering on aid, protection, or inspiration.

  • Call To Worship - A formal leader/response to begin the service.

  • Confession of Sin – A read-along confession to God.

  • Silent Confession - A short time for the congregation to silently confess our sins to God.

  • Words of Assurance - Responsive words acknowledging the Good News that our sins are forgiven and we are God's beloved children forever.

  • Gloria Patri - a short hymn of praise to God (“Glory be to the Father . . .”).

  • Passing of the Peace - The congregation is asked to greet one another with a blessing of peace – "Peace Be With You." Some choose to shake hands.

  • Anthem - Special Music from our choir

  • Scripture Reading – Various readings from the Bible by the Lay Leader and Pastor.

  • Sermon – A message based on the Scripture readings from Pastor Karen.

  • Offertory - A simple offering from the congregation to the church.

  • Pastoral Prayer – Intentions from the congregation for ourselves and our world and the Lord’s Prayer

  • Benediction – Our pastor sends us on our way with a short blessing and reminder to love and serve others.

What do I wear?

Come as you are — we don’t mind. If you feel like wearing jeans, go for it.

If you want to wear a suit, by all means.

If it's hot out, wear shorts.

We want to see you — not what you wear.


How do you celebrate communion?


Great question. We celebrate a bit differently by serving YOU the communion in your seat rather that forming a line up front.

We use freshly baked breads for the host and a choice of wine or grape juice.

We, as the entire congregation, all consume the host and wine all at the same time! 

What’s the music like during worship?

With our brand new organ – we can play anything!

We sing from a basic hymnal (all the favorites that you grew up with) and many new additions with our fantastic choir.

We add variety all the time — a solo flute, a drum, maracas — anything to keep our service engaging and exciting.

How do I become a member? 

Just ask Pastor Karen to become a member of our church! 

The Top 10 Reasons To Check Us Out.

#10. What if church is like spinach …?

You know, like something that you hated as a kid but you love as an adult because you eat it in ways that suit you much better. Guess what? A lot of people are having the same sort of experience with church . . . In the UCC, things are often quite different and worth checking out.

#9. Variety …

UCC churches tend to tailor themselves to fit the people they feel called to serve in their local community. The result: A wide variety of musical traditions, expressions and values that have integrity and purpose. From conservative to liberal, we’re not short on variety.

#8. No apologies …

You are what you are…and so are we – we like ourselves just fine. Find a church where you will fit in, be nurtured and challenged to grow.

#7. No waiting …

You don’t have to join to be active in many UCC churches. If you want to get involved, many of our churches will find a place to help fulfill your need to give – whether or not you decide to join.

#6. No boxes …

God can blow the lid off any box, unfold it and turn it into a dance floor. We tend to be the “out of the box” people. Among our many firsts, we were the first mainline church to take a stand against slavery (1700), the first to ordain an African American person (1785), the first to ordain a woman (1853), and the first in foreign missions (1810). We value education for all people. We founded Harvard and Yale, as well as many historically black colleges, six of which remain affiliated with the UCC to this day.

#5. One God, One Faith, One Baptism for All …

When we baptize you into our community, we promise that we will never take it back – no matter what you discover about yourself or what others discover about you along life’s journey. We believe that baptism places each of us into the “body of Christ” and lasts forever.

Some are baptized as infants, others as adults. Some are sprinkled. Others are immersed. Some reclaim their baptism from a previous church life. For each of us, however, baptism is big enough, strong enough and cleansing enough to last forever.

We believe that EVERYONE – old, young, physically or emotionally challenged, rich or poor, sure or unsure, lost or found, Democrat or Republican has a place in the body of Christ. Baptism is like a badge that says, “you’re a full member of the church and no one can take that away from you.”

#4. Good News People…

We believe that No. 5 is good news!

#3. “Party” Church …

God is having a party and we are all invited. At God’s party our spiritual hungering is fed and our thirsting is satisfied. At God’s party we get strength, stamina and community support that helps us through the tough times that come to everyone. Feeding our spiritual hunger helps reduce those, “I can’t believe I’m so stupid” moments – but we’ll never eliminate them all. That’s why we need friends and companions and not judges (no offense to judges) for the journey.

#2. Spiritual Guidance …

It’s not about commandments. It’s about relationships – even with God. The most important relationship is our relationship with God. Second most important is our relationships with the rest of the human family.

In balance, these relationships produce justice amid injustice, kindness in the face of meanness, and the humility of self acceptance that comes as we sense the presence of a God who knows our inmost thoughts and loves us uncontrollably – just as we are. Spiritual journeys can be like the exercise equipment we buy and leave under the bed. Without coaches and workout partners, most of us don’t stick with it. We’re the “Journeys Wanted” people . . . bring yours.

#1.  We’re waiting for you.

Still want to know more? Check out the answers about our church in the links at the top of the page. This Sunday, stop by – you might be surprised!